Shifting the Balance of Power: Evaluating a Foundation’s Effort to Build Local Advocacy Capacity in sub-Saharan Africa

American Evaluation Association

Organized by Rhonda Schlangen and David Devlin-Foltz

Foundations that are supporting local ownership of international development solutions need to learn about structures and practices that will drive sustainable action. In this session we discussed related efforts of the Hewlett Foundation and its evaluation partner, the Aspen Institute’s Aspen Planning and Evaluation Program. Presented from the perspectives of the foundation, evaluators, and grantees, the session focused on:

  • Design and use of monitoring, evaluation, and feedback loops to help a foundation and its grantees learn about whether a new advocacy strategy is working;
  • Evaluation that embodies the principles and practices of mutual accountability and locally driven advocacy capacity development and advocacy objectives; and
  • Evaluation to help funders and international non-governmental organizations learn about whether the support they provide adds value to local organizations in East and West Africa.

Presenters and contributors to this session included:  Helena Choi, (former) Hewlett Foundation; David Devlin-Foltz, Aspen Planning and Evaluation Program; Carlisle Levine, BLE Solutions, LLC; Susan Wood, International Women’s Health Coalition; and Rhonda Schlangen, Rhonda Schlangen Consulting, LLC

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